Invoice operations

Invoice operations

Some Invoice endpoints return an operation response that deals with the outcome in a different manner. Where most endpoints return a status code of 400 “Bad Request” if the call was not successful, the operation response returns a successful 2xx with a message or successful field indicating the result of the operation. Validation errors or similar errors in the request will still return a 400 bad request.

The operation response contains the following fields in its basic form

  id: "3078377a-f369-4176-acf9-08d751485f0b", 
  message: "Invoice was successfully cancelled",  
  successful: true 

The id contains the affected entity eg. a generated invoice. The field may be null and excluded if no id is present to return. The successful field whether the operation was successful and the message should always be included with further details on the outcome of the operation.

Generation invoices

Generating invoices provides the possibility to both generate a draft and post the invoice in a single call. This is defined in the request field invoiceAction with some different option values:

  • CreateDraft (default value) will generate a draft invoice.

  • CreateDraftAndPostInvoice will generate a draft and then try to post the invoice. A draft is created even if the invoice fails to be posted. The response field successful is only true if the invoice is posted successfully.

  • CancelDraftIfPostFail will generate a draft and then try to post the invoice. If the invoice fails to be posted the draft will be cancelled. The response field successful is only true if the invoice is posted successfully. The message will indicate that the draft was successfully canceled and why posting the invoice failed.

Last updated

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