2024-04-10 - Release updates for API version 2.1

  • New endpoints

    • POST /Invoices/{id}/ProcessStripePayment - processes stripe payment for an invoice

    • GET /Invoices/{id}/OnlinePaymentLogs - get online payment logs (stripe payment logs)

    • POST /Payments/CreateAndPost - create and post for an invoice

  • Changes

    • latestOnlinePaymentLog and onlinePaymentStatus added to invoice response

    • added fields to QuoteResponse and QuoteChargeResponse

  • Webhooks

    • Added ‘Quote edited’ webhook event

  • Performance improvements for GET subscription endpoints

  • New documentation for SSO/MFA login

2024-01-12 - Release updates for API version 2.1

New features
  • New endpoints

    • POST /InvoiceBatches - Generate invoice batch job

    • GET /InvoiceBatches/{batchIdentifier}/BatchLog - get invoice batch log

    • GET /InvoiceBatches, /InvoiceBatches/{id} - get invoice batches and batch by id

    • GET /InvoiceBatches/BatchJobStatus/{batchReference} - check invoice batch job status

    • GET /InvoiceBatches/{batchIdentifier}/BatchLog - Get invoice batch log

  • New query filters modifiedBefore, modifiedAfter for paged endpoints - allows filtering on modified date on sub-entities, such as custom fields and eg. order product charges on get subscriptions. API reference contains more details on where the filter is applied on specific endpoints

  • Added Webhook events

    • Invoice batch posted

    • invoice batch created

    • invoice batch cancelled

  • Fixes and changes

    • creating, deleting, and editing addresses on an account now triggers account updated webhook

    • Field quoteEsignings added to quote response

2023-11-16 - Release updates for API version 2.1

New Features
  • New Endpoints

    • POST /Payments - Create payments

    • PATCH /Payments/Settlements - Add, delete and update Payments and write-offs

    • POST /Orders/Charges/{id}/InvoicedTo - set invoiced to date on order product charge

    • GET /Products/FromCharge/{id} - get product from charge id

    • GET /Products/FromChargePlan/{id} - get product from chargePlanId

  • Added Webhook events

    • Create Payments

    • Post Payments

  • Added field chargeId on OrderProductChargeResponse

  • Performance improvements for GET single subscription endpoints

2023-08-17 - Release updates for API version 2.1

New features
  • Invoice endpoints:

    • POST /Invoices/{id}/Cancel - Cancel Invoice

    • POST /Invoices/{id}/Post - Post Invoice

    • POST /Invoices/Orders/{id} - Generate Invoice from Order

    • POST /Invoices/{id}/Credit - Generate Credit Invoice

  • Payment endpoints

    • GET /Payments

    • GET /Payments/{id}

  • New Journal Endpoints for fetching accounting transactions (vouchers)

    • GET /Journals/{id}/AccountingTransactions - Get accounting transactions by journal id

    • GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{fiscalYear} - Get accounting transactions by fiscal year

    • GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{year}/FiscalQuarter/{quarter} - Get accounting transactions by fiscal year and quarter

    • GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{year}/FiscalPeriod/{period} - Get accounting transactions by fiscal year and period

    • GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{year}/FinancialAccount/{financialAccount}- Get accounting transactions by financial account (code or id)

  • Order endpoints for fetching order product charges

    • GET /Orders/Products/{id}/Charges

    • GET /Orders/{id}/Charges

  • Added Webhook events

    • Subscription deleted

    • Sales order deleted

    • Sales order updated

    • Sales order activated

    • Invoice updated

Fixes and improvements
  • Validations on creating measurements now allow recurring charges to be added.

  • Custom fields added on journal.voucher.transactions to include financial dimensions.

  • Fields Created and Modified added to all relevant response models.

  • Webhooks are now triggered when doing a delivery/partial delivery of stock products

  • Improved input for invoice batch group on Post and Patch on Subscriptions, SalesOrders and Account endpoints

  • Improved filtering for get endpoints


  • Added documentation to query filtering.

  • Webhooks section has been updated and moved to a separate page

  • Section about Invoice operation added

2023-06-09 - Release updates for API version 2.1

New features
  • New endpoints:

    • PATCH /product/{id}

    • PATCH /Product/Charge/{id}

    • DELETE /Product/{id}

    • DELETE /Product/ChargePlans/{id}

    • DELETE /Product/Charges/{id}

  • Added InvoiceSettingGroup field to all account endpoints

  • Added orderedQuantity and remainingQuantity fields to all subscription and sales order endpoints

  • Added product guide for creating, patching, and deleting Products.

2023-04-26 - Release updates for API 2.1

New features
  • New endpoints:

    • GET /Reports

    • GET /Reports/{id}

    • GET Reports/{id}/Data - Get report data by report id

    • GET RevenueSchedule/Charge/{id}

    • GET RevenueSchedule/InvoiceLine/{id}

    • POST Subscriptions/Activate/{id}

    • POST SalesOrders/Activate/{id}

  • Fixes

    • For change subscription: Adding quantity to a charge with price model volume or rated will no longer return a validation error

2023-03-08 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New features
  • Notifications were added for failed webhooks and failed jobs. (settings in UI)

2023-02-22 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New features
  • Automatic retries for failing webhooks

  • New page with more detailed information about webhooks.

  • Improved webhook performance

2022-12-17 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New features:
  • Authentication to a legal entity is possible with both id and Name

  • OrderBillingPeriod on order level added to Post Subscription endpoints

  • AccountParentId added to account response

  • Default custom fields values are added upon entity creation

  • PeriodAlignmentDate added for priodAlignment: “align to date” on OrderProductCharge

2022-12-17 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New features:
  • New Endpoints:

    • POST /Subscription/revert/{id}

    • POST /Invoices/onAccountInvoices

    • PATCH /Invoices

  • Webhooks for revert order

  • Added full quote on quoteConvertedResponse.

  • Added chargePlanId and orderProductId fields to invoiceLine

  • Improved error handling on LookupKey

  • Lookupkey serialization improved with error messages and null handling.

  • GET and DELETE Webhooks/{id} return 400 instead of 404 on errors

  • PricesDetails discount calculation

2022-10-19 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New Features:
  • New endpoints:

    • GET /CustomFieldConfigurations

    • GET /CustomFieldConfigurations by Key and entity

    • GET /CustomFieldConfigurations by Id

    • Create CustomFieldsconfigurations

    • Update CustomFieldConfigurations

  • Create Subscriptions and Create SalesOrders supports Adding OrderDiscounts.

  • Change Subscriptions supports adding, removing and changing OrderDiscounts.

  • BuyersReference added to SubscriptionsResponse

  • Improved Errorhandling messages

2022-08-24 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New endpoints
  • POST /Products - Create product

  • GET /TaxTemplates

  • GET /Countries

Bugs and Issues fixed:
  • Id field added to InvoiceLineResponse.

  • OrderChargeId and OrderChargeNumber on Voucher are now returning their values.

  • EstimatedUsage and estimatedQuantity added to charge level on Create, Change, and Get Subscription.

  • InvoiceBatchGroup added to subscriptionsResponse.

  • The issue with patching addresses on Accounts is fixed.

2022-07-15 - Updates

Portal updates
  • The Swagger documentation pages for sandbox and old references will no longer be accessible.

  • There will be a Link in the API menu to the API references to the Sandbox environment.

  • Different references for version will be accessible via the API list.

Bugs and Issues fixed for API version 2.0 and 2.1:
  • Id field added to InvoiceLineResponse.

  • OrderChargeId and OrderChargeNumber on Voucher are now returning their values.

  • EstimatedUsage and estimatedQuantity added to charge level on Create, Change, and Get Subscription.

  • invoiceBatchGroup added to subscriptionsResponse.

  • Issue with patching addresses on Accounts fixed.

  • Differences in Webhook Response body for Invoices fixed. (The displayed response in the UI is still incorrect and will be fixed, showing enums as ints and null values).

2022-06-21 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New API features:
  • New Webhooks added for Quotes:

    • "quoteCreated"

    • "quoteEdited"

    • "quoteConverted"

  • New endpoint: GET SalesOrders/{id}/version

  • New endpoint: GET SalesOrders/{orderNumber}/versions

  • New endpoint: GET SalesOrders/{orderNumber}/versions/{version}

  • GET Subscription/{id}/versions/{version} removed and replaced with two new endpoints:

    • GET Subscription/{id}/version Get a Subscription version by Id

    • GET Subscription/{orderNumber}/versions/{version} Get a specific version by orderNumber.


Bugs and Issues fixed:
  • GET /Orders/{id} now returns any version of a SalesOrder or a Subscription.

  • Correct error message added to Get subscription versions.

  • Validating data on Create Measurements and Create Usage is optional and set with the validateData property in the request body. It is advised to set it to true.

  • Create Webhooks now validate that the webhook exists and is set correctly when added.

  • Quotes/convertToOrder now return a QuoteConvertedResponse with further details about the converted Quote and the new order.

  • Quotes/convertToOrder: Added validations to ensure there is a connected address when converting to an Active Order.

  • Fixed 500-error-issue related to LineDiscountAmount on Create Subscription is now fixed.

  • Fixed issue with Setting StartMilestone and EndMilestone on charges to an existing milestone.

  • Fixed SettledAmount on InvoiceResponse.

2022-05-25 - Upcoming changes

  • The old swagger documentation will soon be removed permanently.

  • Documentation for Sandbox and Version 2.0 will be added to the API List.

2022-05-25 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1

New API endpoints:
  • Change Subscription - POST /Subscription/{id}/Change

  • Edit and create OrderDiscounts - POST /Subscriptions/{id}/OrderDiscounts

  • Import Usage - POST Usage/Import

  • Import Measurements - POST Measurements/Import

Bugs and Issues fixed:
  • Validations added for Create Usage and Create Measurements to prevent faulty data.

    • OrderCharges must be of the correct ChargeType (usage or measurements).

    • If Account, order, product, and charge don't align the request will fail. For example, if passing an order and charge where the charge doesn't exist on the order the request will fail.

  • InvoiceLines on InvoiceResponse now include fields TaxCategory and TaxRate

  • QuoteResponse now includes field ConvertedToOrder

  • Cancel-, Create- and Renew Subscriptions now validates that the action is allowed based on OrderStatus.

  • Set Subscription milestones will now return the created Milestones Id.

  • InvoiceAttachent endpoints return the correct error message.

  • Properties in nested objects in Patch-requests are now handled correctly and are not ignored.

  • Get Usage returns charge and product correctly.

  • Field ReminderEmailAddress now gets patched correctly on Edit Account

  • AccountResponse now includes fields ReminderEmailAddress