2024-04-10 - Release updates for API version 2.1
New endpoints
POST /Invoices/{id}/ProcessStripePayment - processes stripe payment for an invoice
GET /Invoices/{id}/OnlinePaymentLogs - get online payment logs (stripe payment logs)
POST /Payments/CreateAndPost - create and post for an invoice
latestOnlinePaymentLog and onlinePaymentStatus added to invoice response
added fields to QuoteResponse and QuoteChargeResponse
Added ‘Quote edited’ webhook event
Performance improvements for GET subscription endpoints
New documentation for SSO/MFA login
2024-01-12 - Release updates for API version 2.1
New features
New endpoints
POST /InvoiceBatches - Generate invoice batch job
GET /InvoiceBatches/{batchIdentifier}/BatchLog - get invoice batch log
GET /InvoiceBatches, /InvoiceBatches/{id} - get invoice batches and batch by id
GET /InvoiceBatches/BatchJobStatus/{batchReference} - check invoice batch job status
GET /InvoiceBatches/{batchIdentifier}/BatchLog - Get invoice batch log
New query filters
for paged endpoints - allows filtering on modified date on sub-entities, such as custom fields and eg. order product charges on get subscriptions. API reference contains more details on where the filter is applied on specific endpointsAdded Webhook events
Invoice batch posted
invoice batch created
invoice batch cancelled
Fixes and changes
creating, deleting, and editing addresses on an account now triggers account updated webhook
added to quote response
2023-11-16 - Release updates for API version 2.1
New Features
New Endpoints
POST /Payments - Create payments
PATCH /Payments/Settlements - Add, delete and update Payments and write-offs
POST /Orders/Charges/{id}/InvoicedTo - set invoiced to date on order product charge
GET /Products/FromCharge/{id} - get product from charge id
GET /Products/FromChargePlan/{id} - get product from chargePlanId
Added Webhook events
Create Payments
Post Payments
Added field
on OrderProductChargeResponsePerformance improvements for GET single subscription endpoints
2023-08-17 - Release updates for API version 2.1
New features
Invoice endpoints:
POST /Invoices/{id}/Cancel - Cancel Invoice
POST /Invoices/{id}/Post - Post Invoice
POST /Invoices/Orders/{id} - Generate Invoice from Order
POST /Invoices/{id}/Credit - Generate Credit Invoice
Payment endpoints
GET /Payments
GET /Payments/{id}
New Journal Endpoints for fetching accounting transactions (vouchers)
GET /Journals/{id}/AccountingTransactions - Get accounting transactions by journal id
GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{fiscalYear} - Get accounting transactions by fiscal year
GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{year}/FiscalQuarter/{quarter} - Get accounting transactions by fiscal year and quarter
GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{year}/FiscalPeriod/{period} - Get accounting transactions by fiscal year and period
GET /Journals/AccountingTransactions/{year}/FinancialAccount/{financialAccount}- Get accounting transactions by financial account (code or id)
Order endpoints for fetching order product charges
GET /Orders/Products/{id}/Charges
GET /Orders/{id}/Charges
Added Webhook events
Subscription deleted
Sales order deleted
Sales order updated
Sales order activated
Invoice updated
Fixes and improvements
Validations on creating measurements now allow recurring charges to be added.
Custom fields added on journal.voucher.transactions to include financial dimensions.
Fields Created and Modified added to all relevant response models.
Webhooks are now triggered when doing a delivery/partial delivery of stock products
Improved input for invoice batch group on Post and Patch on Subscriptions, SalesOrders and Account endpoints
Improved filtering for get endpoints
Added documentation to query filtering.
Webhooks section has been updated and moved to a separate page
Section about Invoice operation added
2023-06-09 - Release updates for API version 2.1
New features
New endpoints:
PATCH /product/{id}
PATCH /Product/Charge/{id}
DELETE /Product/{id}
DELETE /Product/ChargePlans/{id}
DELETE /Product/Charges/{id}
Added InvoiceSettingGroup field to all account endpoints
Added orderedQuantity and remainingQuantity fields to all subscription and sales order endpoints
Added product guide for creating, patching, and deleting Products.
2023-04-26 - Release updates for API 2.1
New features
New endpoints:
GET /Reports
GET /Reports/{id}
GET Reports/{id}/Data - Get report data by report id
GET RevenueSchedule/Charge/{id}
GET RevenueSchedule/InvoiceLine/{id}
POST Subscriptions/Activate/{id}
POST SalesOrders/Activate/{id}
For change subscription: Adding quantity to a charge with price model volume or rated will no longer return a validation error
2023-03-08 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New features
Notifications were added for failed webhooks and failed jobs. (settings in UI)
2023-02-22 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New features
Automatic retries for failing webhooks
New page with more detailed information about webhooks.
Improved webhook performance
2022-12-17 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New features:
Authentication to a legal entity is possible with both id and Name
OrderBillingPeriod on order level added to Post Subscription endpoints
AccountParentId added to account response
Default custom fields values are added upon entity creation
PeriodAlignmentDate added for priodAlignment: “align to date” on OrderProductCharge
2022-12-17 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New features:
New Endpoints:
POST /Subscription/revert/{id}
POST /Invoices/onAccountInvoices
PATCH /Invoices
Webhooks for revert order
Added full quote on quoteConvertedResponse.
Added chargePlanId and orderProductId fields to invoiceLine
Improved error handling on LookupKey
Lookupkey serialization improved with error messages and null handling.
GET and DELETE Webhooks/{id} return 400 instead of 404 on errors
PricesDetails discount calculation
2022-10-19 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New Features:
New endpoints:
GET /CustomFieldConfigurations
GET /CustomFieldConfigurations by Key and entity
GET /CustomFieldConfigurations by Id
Create CustomFieldsconfigurations
Update CustomFieldConfigurations
Create Subscriptions and Create SalesOrders supports Adding OrderDiscounts.
Change Subscriptions supports adding, removing and changing OrderDiscounts.
BuyersReference added to SubscriptionsResponse
Improved Errorhandling messages
2022-08-24 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New endpoints
POST /Products - Create product
GET /TaxTemplates
GET /Countries
Bugs and Issues fixed:
Id field added to InvoiceLineResponse.
OrderChargeId and OrderChargeNumber on Voucher are now returning their values.
EstimatedUsage and estimatedQuantity added to charge level on Create, Change, and Get Subscription.
InvoiceBatchGroup added to subscriptionsResponse.
The issue with patching addresses on Accounts is fixed.
2022-07-15 - Updates
Portal updates
The Swagger documentation pages for sandbox and old references will no longer be accessible.
There will be a Link in the API menu to the API references to the Sandbox environment.
Different references for version will be accessible via the API list.
Bugs and Issues fixed for API version 2.0 and 2.1:
Id field added to InvoiceLineResponse.
OrderChargeId and OrderChargeNumber on Voucher are now returning their values.
EstimatedUsage and estimatedQuantity added to charge level on Create, Change, and Get Subscription.
invoiceBatchGroup added to subscriptionsResponse.
Issue with patching addresses on Accounts fixed.
Differences in Webhook Response body for Invoices fixed. (The displayed response in the UI is still incorrect and will be fixed, showing enums as ints and null values).
2022-06-21 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New API features:
New Webhooks added for Quotes:
New endpoint: GET SalesOrders/{id}/version
New endpoint: GET SalesOrders/{orderNumber}/versions
New endpoint: GET SalesOrders/{orderNumber}/versions/{version}
GET Subscription/{id}/versions/{version} removed and replaced with two new endpoints:
GET Subscription/{id}/version Get a Subscription version by Id
GET Subscription/{orderNumber}/versions/{version} Get a specific version by orderNumber.
Bugs and Issues fixed:
GET /Orders/{id} now returns any version of a SalesOrder or a Subscription.
Correct error message added to Get subscription versions.
Validating data on Create Measurements and Create Usage is optional and set with the validateData property in the request body. It is advised to set it to true.
Create Webhooks now validate that the webhook exists and is set correctly when added.
Quotes/convertToOrder now return a QuoteConvertedResponse with further details about the converted Quote and the new order.
Quotes/convertToOrder: Added validations to ensure there is a connected address when converting to an Active Order.
Fixed 500-error-issue related to LineDiscountAmount on Create Subscription is now fixed.
Fixed issue with Setting StartMilestone and EndMilestone on charges to an existing milestone.
Fixed SettledAmount on InvoiceResponse.
2022-05-25 - Upcoming changes
The old swagger documentation will soon be removed permanently.
Documentation for Sandbox and Version 2.0 will be added to the API List.
2022-05-25 - Release updates for API versions 2.0 and 2.1
New API endpoints:
Change Subscription - POST /Subscription/{id}/Change
Edit and create OrderDiscounts - POST /Subscriptions/{id}/OrderDiscounts
Import Usage - POST Usage/Import
Import Measurements - POST Measurements/Import
Bugs and Issues fixed:
Validations added for Create Usage and Create Measurements to prevent faulty data.
OrderCharges must be of the correct ChargeType (usage or measurements).
If Account, order, product, and charge don't align the request will fail. For example, if passing an order and charge where the charge doesn't exist on the order the request will fail.
InvoiceLines on InvoiceResponse now include fields TaxCategory and TaxRate
QuoteResponse now includes field ConvertedToOrder
Cancel-, Create- and Renew Subscriptions now validates that the action is allowed based on OrderStatus.
Set Subscription milestones will now return the created Milestones Id.
InvoiceAttachent endpoints return the correct error message.
Properties in nested objects in Patch-requests are now handled correctly and are not ignored.
Get Usage returns charge and product correctly.
Field ReminderEmailAddress now gets patched correctly on Edit Account
AccountResponse now includes fields ReminderEmailAddress